(Second Draft - posted on: February 2, 2013 by David McMillin)
Current mass extinction of animal species rivals that of any other epoch in the history of the world. Is it simply a matter of natural climate patterns that are beyond human control, or are humans causing (or contributing) to the widespread demise of so many species? This is a question that has resonance with the story of Atlantis.
The Cayce readings on Atlantis portray an advanced civilization at odds with nature and particularly the animal kingdom. According to Cayce, the use of technology to conquer the wild beasts of that time led to the first of the upheavals of the land of Atlantis. The adversarial relations between animals and humans continued for thousands of years, culminating in a megafaunal extinction at about the time of the final and complete destruction of Atlantis.
From a historical perspective, the relationship of humans to the rest of the animal kingdom is complex and somewhat controversial. The modern biological view is that humans are simply sophisticated animals – nothing more or less. Yes, humans do currently sit at the pinnacle of the evolutionary pyramid, but will probably be superseded by another species at some future time, as have all dominant species in the history of the world. This is the evolutionary perspective that dominates our post-modern world – at least in western culture.
In the past, religious or philosophical approaches have often placed humans outside the animal kingdom as something special, something apart. In particular, the idea of special creation (i.e, the biblical Genesis account) regards humans as inherently distinctive and intended to rule over all the rest of creation, including animals.
Anthropologists will point out that early humans, as hunter-gatherers, often lived in competition with other predator animals who preyed on weaker species. And these early humans themselves could end up as prey to a wide variety of carnivore hunters. Even with the advancement of farming technology, wild animals could be a nuisance (or worse) for settled humans during ancient times.
The Cayce readings on Atlantis address the problematic relationship between humans and large, marauding animals in prehistoric times. Interestingly, the timeframe of this interaction discussed in the readings is remarkably close to modern scientific models focused in the 60,000 B.C.E. to 10,000 B.C.E. range. Like modern science, the Cayce readings cite the dating of about 10,000 B.C.E. as a time of relatively sudden, mass extinctions of many large animals species (megafauna). Furthermore, like modern science, the readings describe both human and environmental conditions as factors in these extinctions. But there are some major differences in these approaches as well, as we shall see.
Alfred Russel Wallace, the British naturalist best known for independently developing a theory of evolution based on natural selection that prompted Darwin to publish his own theory, observed that: … we live in a zoologically impoverished world, from which all the hugest, and fiercest, and strangest forms have recently disappeared …” (Wallace, 1876, p. 150). To be sure, Wallace’s perspective was vast, including the pre-human age of dinosaurs. And yet, some pretty huge, fierce, and strange beasts did survive into relatively recent times, interacting with humans, only to become suddenly extinct:
Twenty thousand years ago, huge condor-like birds with sixteen-foot wingspans were tearing open the carcasses of hippo-sized ground sloths here in North America… Mammoths and mastodons were giving themselves dust-baths and pushing over trees. Cheetahs were hunting a large variety of pronghorn and forked-horn antelopes. No less than five other kinds of big cat were living on an extravagant assortment of camel, llama, deer, horse, musk ox, bison, goat and sheep species. With its giant bears, giant beavers, giant armadillo-like species, giant tortoises, and its giant ground-sloth species, North America was, without exaggeration, a super-Serengeti containing many more big-animal species than present-day Africa …Within the last fifty thousand years, therefore, – the blink of an eye – a world-wide chain of big-animal communities, comprised of literally hundreds of species, suddenly vanished from the earth. (Edmeades)
Where have the wild things gone? A host of strange creatures used to walk Earth, including carnivorous kangaroos, giant lizards, and tortoises the size of cars, but they are now extinct. The reasons are debated but settle into two competing explanations: The extinctions are either due to climate change or, alternatively, human hunting. (Flannery, 1999, p. 182)
When the first humans migrated from Asia to North America 15,000 years ago or more, they confronted an array of big animals more dazzling than that of modern Africa. Mammoths, mastodons, camels, horses and a stately deer called the stag-moose coexisted with giant ground sloths and beavers the size of today's black bears. These plant-eaters were prey for meat-eaters like saber-toothed cats, savage short-faced bears, cheetahs, maned lions and dire wolves, bigger versions of today's wolves. Scores of other large species roamed the continent as well. They all vanished about 13,000 years ago in a geological eye blink of perhaps 400 years. The cause of this mass extinction and similar ones elsewhere in the world near the end of the Pleistocene era has been a much debated mystery. (Stevens, 1997)
Although the causes of the dramatic megafauna extinctions of the late Pleistocene (i.e., within the past 60,000 years) cited above are somewhat controversial, the leading contenders are human intervention (e.g., Martin, 1973; Lyons et al, 2004) and climate change (e.g., Graham & Mead, 1987). Some scientists have concluded that a combination of such factors is the most plausible explanation. (Lorenzen et al., 2011)
Of particular note, the conclusion of the late Pleistocene megafaunal extinction occurred at about the same time as an important climatic change called the Younger Dryas Event. Interestingly, the Younger Dryas was “the last major cold episode on Earth” (Condrona & Winsorb, 2012) and probably had a significant effect on animals and humans at about the time of the final destruction of Atlantis given in the Cayce readings.
One of the more dramatic hypotheses put forward in recent years focused on a possible extraterrestrial impact event (either a comet or asteroid) as the source for both the Younger Dryas climatic event and the mass megafaunal extinctions (Firestone et al, 2007). However follow-up research failed to confirm the theory (e.g., Kerr, 2008; Surovell et al, 2009).
Please note that it was the impact model that has not been confirmed. The Younger Dryas, a 1,200-year-long cold spell that interrupted a warm period 12,900 years ago, is a well-established fact. Although the cause of the Younger Dryas is unknown, current theories posit that this sudden mini-ice age may have been caused by glacial meltwaters entering the North Atlantic (e.g., Broecker, et al., 1989; Teller, 2012).
The Cayce readings consistently describe an ongoing conflict between ancient peoples and large animals that were destructive to human activity until they were eliminated when "ice, the entity found, nature, God, changed the poles and the animals were destroyed, though man attempted it in that activity of the meetings.” (ECR: 5249-1) Thus the Cayce perspective is inclusive of both of the most widely accepted mainstream models of megafauna extinctions within the last 60,000 years (climate and human intervention).
Moreover, from the Cayce perspective, it would appear that it was “ice” that triggered a changing of the earth’s poles and the megafaunal extinctions discussed in the previous section. Could the Younger Dryas climatic event somehow be linked to both the megafaunal extinctions and the period of geophysical upheavals associated with the final destruction of Atlantis that apparently occurred at about the same time?
This section will discuss the ongoing efforts of ancient humans to address the problem of large animals (megafauna) with multiple meetings and interventions over the past 60,000 years. Sorting out the chronology of these events as described in the readings is complex and somewhat controversial, so extra effort will be made to document the process in detail.
The Younger Dryas climatic event linked to this late Pleistocene megafuanal extinction will also be discussed within the context of the Cayce perspective. However, there were also a series of events prior to the Younger Dryas in which the animal problem was a major concern for the humans during those periods.
With regard to the chronology of Atlantis as portrayed in the Cayce readings, the conflict between humans and large destructive animals first became problematic prior to (and actually precipitating) “the first of the destructive forces” as described in reading 364-4 given on February 16, 1932. There were “invasions of this [Atlantean] continent by those of the animal kingdoms.” Apparently the problem was not limited to Atlantis as the beasts “overran the earth in many places.” There was a meeting of the “nations of the globe” to find a means of “disposing” of the creatures before the creatures disposed of the humans.
The solution that resulted from the meetings was technological and involved the use of explosives in the places where the beasts congregated:
When there were those destructive forces brought through the creating of the high influences of the radial activity from the rays of the sun, that were turned upon the crystals into the pits that made for the connections with the internal influences of the earth … (ECR: 263-4)
The Atlanteans had developed advanced knowledge of gases and electricity that could be focused on the crevices and caves used by the animals. However, the plan backfired, so to speak, causing “eruptions that awoke from the depth of the slow cooling earth, and that portion [of Atlantis] now near what would be termed the Sargasso Sea first went into the depths” (ECR:364-4). Until that time Atlantis had been one large continent. After the destructive geophysical event, there were several large islands.
The details of the intervention were not provided in the readings, beyond a general statement that the intent was to change the environment required by the beasts to survive. The technology of the intervention involved energy “from various central [power] plants that which is termed in the present the Death Ray, or the super-cosmic ray” (ECR: 262-39). The prediction was made that this technology would be re-invented within the next twenty-five years.
About a year after reading 364-4, Hugh Lynn Cayce (Edgar’s son) requested additional information about “the Great Congress held during the age of the destruction of the enormous animals that once roamed the earth” (ECR: 262-39 given on February 21, 1933). The reading described the meeting as “an all-world-broadcast” (in modern terminology). Participants traveled to the conference in vehicles similar to the “Graf” balloons developed in the twentieth century of the modern era.
The leader of the conference was said to be a man named “Tim” who was a Poseidean from Atlantis. Significantly, when asked to date the meeting, the year 50,722 B.C.E. was given (ECR: 262-39).
Based on reading 587-3, a princess in Poseidia named Ajahel was probably associated with this international conference. Ajahel was an expert in communications who coordinated the “gatherings of nations.”
Before that we find the entity was in that known as the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the destructive forces being sent out and used by the sons of Belial and those that followed close therein.
The entity was rather among those peoples that followed the law of One, and was in the name and in the household of Ajahel; being the princess of the temple in Poseidia, and executed much of those forces that dealt with the various manners of their communications with the varied lands.
During those periods when there were the gatherings of nations, or the peoples of the world for the pitting of themselves against the beasts that overran the earth, the entity aided in such gatherings of those; for the entity – as given - RULED the connections, or associations, or communications.
Hence the entity guided those influenced for the right; being overcome only by the forces of Belial when the destruction was brought by the use of that which had been applied for the destruction of the animals in that particular experience. (ECR: 587-3)
Note that this was the period when there was “the destructive forces being sent out and used by the sons of Belial and those that followed close therein” and that “the destruction was brought by the use of that which had been applied for the destruction of the animals in that particular experience.” This certainly does sound like the drastic intervention instigated by the Belials that produced the geophysical event labeled the “first of the destructive forces” that devastated the continental landmass that was Atlantis at that time.
Considering that the leader of the gathering and the person in charge of communications were both Atlanteans, and that the intervention that was chosen was based strictly on Atlantean technology, it is reasonable to assume that this series of meetings was held in Atlantis, although there is no specific statement to that effect.
Apparently, the initial intervention was not entirely successful (from the standpoint of eliminating the large animal problem). Another series of meetings was called during the “second rule in the Atlantean period:”
In the one before this, in that land where the peoples came as the representatives of those that would make the lands secure against the beasts of the fields, and the fowls of the air, or the animals of the air, in the second rule in the Atlantean period. The entity then in the name Ohula. Then helping in that of the assistant to the entertainers of those people so gathered. The daughter then to the ruler. In the urge as is gained from this, that of the secret forces of counsel to many. (ECR: 2740-2)
The meaning of the phrase “second rule in the Atlantean period” is somewhat vague. Does his refer to the era between the first and second period of destruction? If so, the date would presumably be between 50,007 BCE and 28,000 BCE (long chronology) or sometime after 18,000 BCE (short chronology – the dating of Atlantean history is discussed in another article). Note that the animals are not described as large, simply as “beasts of the fields and the fowls of the air, or the animals of the air.” This almost sounds more like a nuisance than a life or death situation.
Also note the circumstances of Ohula. She lived in the land where the meetings were held (presumably Atlantis) where she was the daughter of the ruler. She assisted in providing entertainment for the representatives. Although the meeting had a serious agenda, there was apparently a lighter side as well.
Another reading that describes a meeting to address the problem is more explicit in providing a time-frame after the “second destruction:”
Before that the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when the second destruction had brought so many of the islands, and when the Poseidian land was the greater in power; when there were the meetings called for those of many lands, to determine means or manners in which there would be the control or handling of the animals that were destructive to many of the lands. The entity then acted in the capacity of one who guided the ships that sailed both in the air and under water; also was the maker of that which produced the elevators and the connecting tubes that were used by compressed air and steam and the metals in their emanations. All of these were a part of the entity's experience and development, especially as to things controlled by the facet for the radiation activity from the sun upon metals, and the control of such, as well as the manner of airships through that sojourn. Then the name was Alenor. (ECR: 2157-1)
Let us take note of several important points from this reading:
1. This reading definitely identifies a meeting to control destructive animals after the “second destruction.” Depending upon the chronology (short or long), this could be anywhere between 50,722 BCE and about 18,000 BCE.
2. Note that transportation was provided for peoples of many lands via ships that sailed both through the air and under water. Also note the use of elevators and connecting tubes. It would seem that the second destruction did not necessarily lead to a primitive “stone age technology” as some authors have theorized.
3. Also note that there were meetings (plural).
4. Although a location is not mentioned, it seems to suggest that the meetings may have been held in Atlantis due to the mention of the connecting tubes and advanced technology.
5. The attendees were from “many lands” and not just representatives of the five nations mentioned in several Cayce readings. The beasts were destructive to many lands, not just Atlantis.
6. No specific intervention or outcome is provided for these meetings. Apparently they were not successful as more meetings to address this problem were required, as described below.
A final series of meetings to address the large animal problem was held in Egypt during the reign of Araaraart (the second king of Egypt as described in the Cayce readings) and his high priest (Ra Ta). We will begin with this description of a past life of an individual named Iuden:
Before that we find the entity was in the Egyptian land, the Indian land, the lands from which most of those came for one of the branches of the first appearances of the Adamic influence that came as five at once into the expressions in the earth, or the expression in that now known as the Gobi land.
The entity then was among those who assisted in bringing an interpretation to the peoples in the Indian land now called, and the Egyptian land, when there were the undertakings for a correlating again of the troublesome forces that had separated, had caused those periods of destructive forces in the activities of man his brother's keeper, man as expressing himself in flesh in the earth.
The activities of the entity then brought about the correlating of Saneid, Og, Ra-Ta, Zu and those of the Pyrenees as well as the Nordic from the upper portions of what is now Norway (though quite a different looking Norway!).
In that experience the entity made for advancement. For not differences were sought but rather a unification of that which was for the moral, the mental, the material uplift of those that united not by body but in oneness of purpose for the protection against those forces and influences that man had projected himself into that had become as monstrosities in the earth, and those periods when there were sought from the Atlantean experience for the destructive forces for the creatures that overran the land.
The entity aided in bringing about the counsel of the five nations, or the five centers in the experience, and thus brought to man in those experiences that which must be as it were in its own day, in its own age, repeated in the experiences in the present. Not the differences then but the onenesses with the knowledge, not without but from within, is the real source. That without as the sign, as the guide, so long as it is along the way - but ONLY the way. The activities, the experiences must be with that force as from within the inner self.
Then the entity was in the name Iuden. (ECR: 1210-1)
Keep in mind the following points:
1. Iuden lived during the time after the fivefold projection (the “five at once”, Adamic period of five nations/racial groups, etc.) when there was a correlating of the teachings of the various spiritual traditions. Amongst the various teachings that were being correlated, Ra Ta is mentioned. Ra Ta was the high priest of Egypt said to be a past life of Edgar Cayce. This association provides a time-frame for the meeting just prior to the final destruction of Atlantis between 11,000 B.C.E. and 10,000 B.C.E.
2. When addressing the large animal problem, the participants of these meetings decided to follow the pattern of intervention previously established by the Atlanteans: “there were sought from the Atlantean experience for the destructive forces for the creatures that overran the land.” Note that there is no mention of a meeting being held in Atlantis at that time, although meetings to correlate the teachings of the spiritual traditions do mention Egypt as a meeting place.
Another reading for an individual said to have lived as Oou describes a meeting in Egypt that mentions the use of air defense against the animals:
In the one before this we find in that period when the nations came together for the study of protection of self against the animal world. The entity among those that received the report of the meeting in the land known now as Egypt, and the entity among those that put same into action, as to using the elements of the air as a defense against the animal world. In the name Oou. The entity in the present honors and respects those that attempt to conquer the air. (ECR: 2365-2)
The timeframe in this reading is not clear. The decision to use air defense as a solution for the large animal problem could be attributed to the first series of meetings (50,722 B.C.E.), except that the meeting location is given as Egypt, rather than Atlantis, which is likely to have been the location of the earlier meetings as discussed above. Perhaps this reading is merely describing the same meetings at the time of Iuden and Ra Ta in which the decision was made to imitate or replicate the much earlier intervention of the Atlanteans (aerial bombardment).
The following case is extremely important since it provides a solid timeframe for a meeting of representatives from many lands at the time of Ra Ta just before the final destruction of Atlantis.
In the experience which followed this, we find the entity was in the Indian land or in those periods of Saad as the leader, the ruler. The entity was then what would be called the secretary of state, or in the inner group of the leader Saad, that made for contacts or associations with or agreements with other lands. The entity then was among those who were of that group who gathered to rid the earth of the enormous animals which overran the earth, but ice, the entity found, nature, God, changed the poles and the animals were destroyed, though man attempted it in that activity of the meetings. Later the entity indicated interest in the reforms being made in Egypt through the efforts of Ra Ta. The entity then, in the name Kudn, came into those experiences but during those periods when there was the banishment of the Priest, when these were being performed. (ECR: 5249-1)
Here are some specific points for consideration:
1. Although Egypt is mentioned in this reading and the individual was said to be a representative who visited Egypt, the location of the meeting to discuss the animal problem was not specifically given. However the incarnation timeframe was in the Ra Ta era, including the period of the priest’s banishment, which is suggestive. This reading (in its entirety) is a bit peculiar in that the past lives are given in the opposite order normally provided. The earliest incarnation is given first (on Atlantis as a timekeeper for the servant class), and then moving forward in time toward the present. “In the experience which followed this, we find the entity was in the Indian land or in those periods of Saad as the leader …” Clearly the lifetime as Kudn was at the time of Ra Ta 11,000 B.C.E. – 10,000 B.C.E.
2. Kudn was said to be the Indian “secretary of state” who attended meetings to address the large animal problem. Such meetings with global participation is a theme throughout the Cayce readings. Humans were more mobile and culturally advanced at much earlier times than is generally recognized by mainstream researchers.
3. Although the meetings did result in an outcome to address the problem, specifics are not provided as to the exact nature of the agreed solution, and its effects on the animals.
4. Nature (God) did resolve the issue permanently: “ice, the entity found, nature, God, changed the poles and the animals were destroyed, though man attempted it in that activity of the meetings.” This reading does not explain exactly what is meant by “changed the poles” (i.e., rotational or magnetic pole shift), but the indication that “ice” changed the poles is evocative considering that some pole shift theorists point to imbalances in global ice sheets as a possible mechanism for pole shifts. (Brown, 1967)
5. The timeframe of this meeting and intervention during the lifetime of Kudn in association with that of Ra Ta and his banishment, is remarkably co-incident with a dramatic weather pattern called the “Younger Dryas Event” which is associated with a sudden lowering of temperatures and mass extinctions of megafauna (large animals).
6. Since this reading mentions a changing of the poles, one might wonder if such a pole shift could be linked in some manner to the beginning of the period of final destruction of Atlantis at about this time.
A series of Cayce readings given to provide “information concerning the second ruler in Egypt who gave the first laws concerning man's relation to the Higher Forces” (ECR:5748-1) may provide some additional data to consider with regard to meetings convened to address the conflict between humans and large, destructive animals. The initial reading was given on March 28, 1925 in Dayton, Ohio. Keep in mind that this series of readings was given relatively early in Cayce’s career as a full-time professional psychic when Cayce and his close group of supporters were still struggling to grasp reincarnation and the patterns of prehistory put forth in the Life Readings.
For our present discussion, the significance of the original request is that it focused on a relatively discreet period of time during the reign of the “second ruler in Egypt.” This is important because Edgar Cayce’s son, Hugh Lynn, had been identified as having been that “second ruler in Egypt” named Araaraart. Edgar Cayce, his wife Gertrude, and the personal secretary (Gladys Davis) were some of the prime characters portrayed in the readings story of Egypt in the eleventh millennium B.C.E. This series of readings discusses prehistoric meetings in Egypt intended to address the human/animal conflict that has been the focus of this chapter. Curiously, when asked to date the meetings, a time of 10,500,000 years ago is provided. Yes, that’s ten and a half million of years ago – very strange indeed.
Perhaps this reading is referring to a meeting of minds:
The first meeting occurred 10.5 million years ago and may have been in the mental dimension, not the physical, or in a quasi-physical form rather than in physical bodies like we have today. It was a gathering of minds … (Little et al, 2006, p. 61)
There are several problems with this explanation, including the explicit mention that the attendees stayed in tents and caves during the meeting. If it were essentially a meeting in the “mental dimension,” there would be no need of such physical accommodations.
Cayce may have simply misspoken or the transcription itself is erroneous. There are certainly instances within the readings where erroneous statements are made and human error is always a possibility in such matters. Could Cayce have meant to say ten and one half thousand years instead of ten and one half million years? A big difference in time, yet only a single spoken or written word. Given that the timeframe of the second ruler of Egypt is the context for this entire series of readings, that would make sense.
Another way of looking at this anomaly is to ponder the intent of the original request for information. Keep in mind that the original request in the first reading of the series emphasized “the first laws concerning man's relation to the Higher Forces.” When asked to provide specific information about a past life, the readings would often step back and attempt to provide a broader perspective to provide context (e.g., ECR: 2464-2, 877-26). It may well be that this is the case in the 5748 series. To provide a context for understanding the teachings pertaining to “the first laws concerning man's relation to the Higher Forces” propounded by the second king of Egypt, one needs to step back and take in the broader story of how the souls came to be incarnated in flesh bodies on planet earth. This requires a temporal perspective of millions of years. Perhaps this is the intent of the 10 and one half million year date given in reading 5748-2 for the meeting of representatives that assembled in Egypt to ponder the problem of destructive beasts.
Otherwise, one is left with an unbelievable synchronicity that a meeting in Egypt to address a specific problem was repeated 10,500,000 years later. That soul involvement in the earth realm affecting “man’s relation to the Higher forces” and the laws that govern same would go back over ten million years actually fits rather well with anthropological assertions about hominid evolution. That this date is associated with the aforementioned meeting is incredible. After all, the context of the original request is for information about the “rule of the second king of Egypt.” Many, many readings clearly give that period as between 11,000 and 10,000 B.C.E. Furthermore, the first reading in this series discusses the fivefold projection: “man appeared in five places then at once - the five senses, the five reasons, the five spheres, the five developments, the five nations.” (ECR: 5748-2) The exact dating for the fivefold projection is not definite, but clearly within the timeframe of human activity on Atlantis (200,000) years). Clearly the intent is to provide a broader perspective or context for understanding king Araaraart’s “first laws concerning man's relation to the Higher Forces.”
The significance of dating the meetings in the 5748 series in the eleventh millennium B.C.E. is that the information becomes more directly relevant to the Atlantis story. Within that context:
In the second rule [of the king in Egypt] there came peace and quietude to the peoples, through the manner of the ruler's power over the then known world forces … then that ruler set about to gather those wise men from the various groups to compile those as that ruler felt the necessary understanding to all peoples for the indwelling of the Divine Forces to become understood and to break away from the fear of the animal kingdom then overrunning the earth. (ECR: 5748-1)
This is the same story that we have seen previously wherein meetings were convened in Egypt to compile and correlate the wise spiritual teachings of that time (ECR: 1210-1). The problem of the large, destructive animals that were overrunning the earth was also addressed. With regard to specifics about these Egyptian meetings, reading 5748-2 states that there were forty-four attendees from around the globe which took place over many months. They lived in caves and tents – no need for elevators and connecting tubes that were utilized during previous series of meetings on Atlantis many thousands of years before.
It is interesting how reading 5748-4 integrates the question about spiritual laws pertaining to relationship with Higher Powers and the problem of how to deal with the destructive beasts.
As these were gathered in their tents and caves, each were given the portion of the fact as related to each group's conception regarding man's supremacy over the animal world, and how same was reached. As these were given, we find that each gave that conception in the way that was in relation to man's surroundings in the earth plane, so in this manner were the first laws as relating to the indwelling of the Higher Forces given to man. With the absence of the communications as is given, this was written on tables of stone and slate, with the characters of same. As to the peoples as gathered there, we find there are many in the plane today, many that have become associated one with the other, and there comes then the urge for the return of man's more perfect understanding of the divine laws as have been made manifest through the various ages of evolution of man in the plane from that day, and the indwelling forces will be of assistance in gathering such together. (ECR: 5748-4)
Assuming that these meetings took place during the reign of the second rule in Egypt just before the final destruction of Atlantis, it is not clear what input Atlanteans may have had in the process. They had been through all this before at least a couple of times by that point. Would they have advocated for a technological solution, that was so catastrophic in the first instance?
Regardless of any direct Atlantean role in these meetings, we are confronted with the fundamental premise for any consideration of things Atlantean, insofar as the Cayce readings are concerned. What impact does such information have on current decisions and actions. Again, in our modern world, we find humans in conflict with nature, with nature experiencing the brunt of human inconsideration. Collectively, are we setting ourselves up for another calamity – a change of the planet’s poles or some other type of earth change?
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